Kindergarten Graduation

Kindergarten Graduation

Crossing the finish line at the NJ Marathon

Life with Jake...

Thursday, September 11, 2008

No Nap = No Sanity

OK, so if there was ever a doubt that Jake still needs an afternoon nap, I can honestly say, it's gone now! We've had the pleasure of two NO NAP days in a row (the excitement of a new school) and I'm not sure we're going to survive a third!!!! I have ALL intentions of bribing his teacher tomorrow (I'm not above slipping her a little cash...LOL) to PLEASE, PLEASE find a way to get him to nap. Or, I may go the "threat" route instead and tell her that I'm going to call to see if he napped and if he didn't, SHE can have the pleasure of his company all night...LOL For those without kids, just picture one of the scenes from The Exorcist, now triple the insanity and you may be close... It's certainly left me with a better appreciation of how people who've gotten convicted of Shaken Baby Syndrome got where they are.

His head stopped spinning long enough to watch a couple of episodes of his new favorite show...WORD WORLD. Major, major, major thanks to his Aunt GG and his girl, Jordan, for getting him hooked on this!!! What a GREAT show!! And unlike Barnie, and the Teletubbies, it's really not painful for us parents to watch either. Speaking of his girl, Jordan, she's certainly had a major influence on him after spending a full week together up in P-town on vacation. Since he could talk, he's called his pacifier a "Nunga" (YES, he still uses it and YES, I know that's bad and NO, I have no earthly idea where "Nunga" came from??)...well, his girl, Jordan calls it a PACI and now so does he. And he gets VERY upset if we forget and call it a NUNGA...go figure!

On Jake's bday, Jordan's mommy (Aunt GG) and I and Nanny took the two of them to Picture People to see if we could get a couple of good shots of the two love birds. you can see from the pictures on this site, we got MUCH more than we bargained for!!! Although, honestly, by the end of the session the 3 of us were exhausted and totally convinced that we didn't get a single good shot. Well, $500 later, we walked out with at least 6 winners! And not to go off on some side tangent here, but have you ever noticed what happens in these picture places when it comes to picking out the poses you want??? I TOTALLY and completely check my brain at the door!! I ALWAYS leave with more than I could ever need, use, want and the absolute stupidest combinations possible. Luckily for me, Aunt GG was quick to point out that they purposely stage it that way...the kids are running around because they've just been through a photo shoot and have ZERO tolerance for standing still never mind sitting still, so you're really only paying minimal attention to what you're selecting...add on top of that the total state of exhaustion you're in from jumping, clapping, razzing, doing jumping jacks, and any and every other silly thing you could think of to get smiles you're sure the photographer dude missed and it all makes sense!

Well, the boy is sound asleep and I think I may need a good nights sleep for a change...someone asked me to carry their laptop in the bags under my eyes today...not funny! Plus, tomorrow is D-1 for the big b-day party which always ends up being an enormously stressful, organizing, hiding things, decorating, and cleaning's the day that I traditionally promise myself I'll either keep it to 15 people next year or go to Little Gym or someplace sane like that.

I'm off to pray for NO RAIN!!! I can safely predict there will be NO post tomorrow, but maybe, assuming I survive, I'll be back over the weekend...

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